"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Friday, 17 April 2009



Cathie said...

These are so pretty Carolyn. This is something similar to what I tried to accomplish with my silk mosaic squares a few weeks back, but I now realize I was working way to large - these tiny squares really showcase the grid, burnaway technique quite nicely . Wonderfully yummy.

I'd love to do an "inchie" trade with you if and when you are up to it. That would be fun.
Enjoy your weekend.

~ Phyllis ~ said...

Beautiful. All those colors are so lovely.

arlee said...

Delicious colours!

filz-t-raum.ch said...

beautiful colors!!! i love turkis,violet, pink and yellow!!!

Nikki said...

I absolutely love the textures in you work and you have a beautiful color sense!


Thanks Cathie, Phyllis, Arlee, filz and Nikki for all of your very nice comments! I like nice comments! The more the merrier!!

Cathie, I would love to do a swap with you and I'll be in touch to arrange it - Thanks!

Sharne Gregory said...

What lovely colours and textures!


Thanks Sharne x

Julie said...

Beautiful and sumptuous!

Anneli/Bockfilz said...

Dear Carolyn, finally I'm back and I've just read about all the beautiful things you've done lately! A lot of really great pictures - and you do have a talent of combining the colours! Moreover, you're inspiring me to get that embellisher out again ...!

Unknown said...

Hi Carolyn, I came here from Clevelandgirlie and am happy about it:) I love to look at your colorful textile work, (at the moment I'm into painting rather than textile art and therefore love to look at textile work when I miss it:)
have a great week,