"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Friday, 19 June 2009

Quilt Art - Texture and Interest

After choosing and dyeing my fabrics for the art quilt, the next thing I looked at was texture and making the quilt tactile as well as visually more interesting

I looked at several ways of adding texture to the fabrics.
I added these pieces of leaf embroidered chiffon

I added threads trapped under chiffon ribbon

This tiny orange flower came all the way from Dominican Republic pressed inside the book I was reading. I trapped it under plastic and sewed it to the top of the quilt

These are samples from my sketchbook where I was looking at fabrics that have different textures such as hessian, scrim, plastic, metallic fabric with mirror dots, heat distressed chiffons, leather, embroidered fabrics, silk, painted bondaweb, etc.


Quilting the fabric gives it texture and a nice feel. I just want to run my hands over quilted fabrics

I will be showing a few more samples of adding texture and interest in the next post - on the theme of ferns


Cathie said...

Good morning to you. Always interesting, always educational. I think you are encouraging me to take that leap and make a "book" like this of my own. It seems to serve many purposes for you - experimentation, design, enjoyment, future reference, etc. and I think this would be a good next step for me to take in my self-education. I love your little leaf embroideries.

Cathie said...

Oh, and because you expressed curiosity - it is 6:27 a.m. here now, in North Carolina!

Pom Pom said...

Carolyn, Your art is heavenly! You are an experimental artist. Your work jives with the book I'm reading, THE CREATIVE CALL. You've found your artistic expression. Beautiful and faith-building, that's what your work IS.

arlee said...

MM, great sampler pages! Mine usually end up *in* the work, a habit i have to stop---pure laziness on my part :}Then i have no sample pages to show!

Brandy said...

E-mail me your address and I will ship your goodies. lavenerwolf7@yahoo.com


brandy said...

oops! Thats Lavenderwolf7@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you how inspiring and imaginative your work is! I am currently taking art and design textiles A-Level at my school in Derbyshire, and for my project I would like to base it around the beach/natural objects. Looking at coral, shells, textures of rocks, water etc. I would love to use you as an artist in my project, is it possible to buy any samples of your work anywhere? i would love to hear about how you create your work and your inspirations.
Thankyou, Alice