"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Colours, shapes, patterns and textures in nature

It's not easy doing green!

I love green in nature but it's probably my least favourite colour in the spectrum to work with and yet it's coming out in everything I do at the moment - it's very strange!

Maybe it's the influence of the season. Everything is so lush, green and vibrant in the gardens and woodlands and I've been enjoying walking through the woodlands a lot the past few weeks

I thought I'd show you these samples even though they weren't sucessful. Not everything is sucessful all the time!!

I space dyed some cotton fabric for sun printing. Here I layed down some ferns and sycamore seeds in a happy arrangement on top of the wet fabrics and left them out in the sun

It was a very hot day and photosynthesis was almost complete after only ten minutes, but unfortunately it was also a bit too windy and my leaves and seeds wouldn't stay in place. I haven't had the perfect day to attempt this again since, but will hope to achieve the results I want some time over the summer ... maybe I need to lightly pin the bits in place next time

I had some silk paint left over so I space dyed these cotton fabrics, threads and silk cocoons. I just left them soaking it all up and then drying out naturally for a couple of days

Lovely spaced dyed tones

While I'm doing greens - my seaweed mosaic was featured on The Magnifying Glass Nature Journal recently

So many colours, shapes, patterns and textures in nature inspire me every day


Pom Pom said...

I love #8, #10 and #11! I'm gravitating toward green, too. You are such an inspiration to me!

Ruth Rae said...

I adore the color of your space dyeing!

libbyquilter said...

your seaweed mosaic is awesome and seeing the greens in the dye pot really makes me want to get some going of my own~!!~


libbyquilter said...

i forgot to say how much i love the photo at the beginning of the post of the underside of the fern leaf~!!~ such magic grows in the garden~!!~
