Just a quick post with photos of my distressed piece completed this week

The piece represents the rising tide element of global warming ... melting ice pushing water levels up combined with distress. I used distressed materials to represent distress caused by global warming, distress to our planet, looking particularly at distressed holes and layers, perhaps holes in our ozone layer which is a contributing factor to climate change

I describe the process in the previous post. On top of my distressed fabrics I have added irridescent snowflakes and french knots in a thick variegated rayon ribbon, cotton threads and metallic threads

I was thinking of adding even more detail to the surface embellishment with more french knots and beads but I think they would be lost in the piece, which is already full of irridescent shimmeryness, colours and textures

Distressed planet Earth

I'm really pleased with the watery (and earthy) colours and textures in the piece
Carolyn ♥
OMG Carolyn! This is simply fabulous... what can I add more? It is blue, so I LOVE it!
Thanks for your constant inspiration!
Absolutely gorgeous, so much work and care has obviously gone into it, well done - I'm not sure I'm worthy of our swap :(
I must try harder! x
It's stunningly beautiful Carolyn. You have been working hard :o)
Hi Carolyn, your interpretation of ice distress is visually beautiful, I particularly
like the fibres poking through the bubbles, it reminds me of the layers of distressed materials poking through the surface in the slumdog rubbish scenes on Kevin McCloud tv this week. 'Reveal and conceal' are such strong themes in nature. You have expressed this in the above photographs so excitingly!
Linda x
A lovely piece of textile art work representing global warming. I love all the different blues and textures you have incorperated into it.
Lots of lovely sparkles, great crunchy texture and gorgeous watery colours.
This piece is totally AWE-some!! I love the textures and the colour and how well it represents the subject. Beautiful work!
Wow Carolyn, you've outdone yourself! Wonderful how each hole reveals a new surprise. It's kind of a shame though, that something as dangerous as global warming can be represented by such beautiful art.
You had better hide it from the mermaids! They just may take it and make it into a cape. GORGEOUS!
You got such great variety here! I love how the colors subtly change and all the bits you've incorporated. Lovely!
Gorgeous ! I love texture and colors.
This is a wonderful piece!! I love the thick heavy knots but I think that any more beadwork might disappear in the glorious color and shimmer that is already there!!! WOnderful!!
Wonderful piece. I love all the shimmery colors and the texture you have created.
Your inspiring blogs make my days! I greet each entry with the anticipation of opening a very special gift. Thank you so much for sharing your art, your creative "collections/gatherings", the way you "see" things and the possibilities they present. When you document the development of your projects, it's like you're leading me on an adventure. And because of your generous tutorials, I have an invitation to play.
B is for Blue and Beautiful!
This is a fantastic piece! So many details, so much to see, and so much of my favorite color, blue!
So glacier blue...yes...melting ice...with the bits that have been rolled down the crevasse. Lovely, as usual, I might add.
Oh! I love it. All that blue. I have a thing for blue. It's my favorite color.
I love all the various shades of blue and the shimmer. Beautiful. It's so much fun to visit your blog and see all the beautiful color.
Thank you for all your comments. It's lovely to hear from you
Nancilyn - thank you for your wonderful words. I couldn't see a way of visiting you to reply but I am very grateful for your encouraging comment and hope you see this message here
Carolyn ♥
Looks a bit like water bubbles, lovely!
BRAVO!!!! Take a bow. This is a extra ordinary piece to be sure. LOVE IT!!!! All the shiny details...French knots perfect...fibers...awesome. BRAVO!!!!!!!!
Hi Carolyn! Your blog is very inspiring and this piece is beautiful. I will be back to visit often and am going to play around with some of the techniques you've outlined here.
Beautiful! It really looks like melting ice, bubbling water and ozone holes! Lovely :-)
This blue bubble work is so inspirational, beautiful.
Hi can't remember how I got here but so happy that I did, your work is exquiste and awe inspiring. I'll be following :)
I some how found this blog and im glad i have you have some beautiful work and are from my favourite part of the country.....this is stunning work.
Wow Carolyn this is gorgeous, love everything about it, all these different fibers and differents treads.
Absolutely fabulous!
Well done!!!!!
That's great
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