I may not be back here for a couple of weeks but I'm posting on Love Stitching Red if you want to pop over there and see what I'm up to from time to time
The beauty of natural colours

This is a mosaic I made a while ago for the flickr group "Mosaic Monday" celebrating the beauty and calming effect of natural colours
1. The edge of a winter past 2. Focal point 3. Basket of Nature Owls close up 4. Open doors 5. Driftwood collection 6. Vintage wallpaper gift package! 7. Untitled 8. Tempête sous un crâne 9. Barnacle colony 3
Hope to be back soon as I can. Have a lovely weekend!
Carolyn ♥
Yeah. Me too. Just want to get it finished now!
this is gorgeous Carolyn..I just finished a tiny art quilt that resemebles your mosaic..subliminal inspiration!
Oh so beautiful! It is a wonderful inspiration!
Lovely and inspiring.
beautiful - and so wonderful artists you presented here, thank you for sharing!
..hope your quilt is everything you'd like it to be :-)))
...and thanks for the "pendant" encouragement.
Hi CS!
Hope the quilt making is going well. Don't forget to rest a bit.
Your mosaics are always so inspiring. Have a restful weekend.
I have been trying to reach you as we are interested in exhibiting your work in a new exhibition titled 'text/textile' at the Point in Eastleigh. We need to speak asap as national press releases are currentl being written. Please email me harper.ray@eastleigh.gov.uk best wishes Harper Ray
This is a beautiful mosaic and love all the items !
Love ♥RINI♥
Wonderful textures within! Good luck with the quilt and do take time for yourself too!
Hi Carolyn,
I saw your "Stillest of summer afternoons" creation photographed on Flickr that I'd like to use on my Bella Nella's blog for a post about summer. Here's the link to it from Flickr http://flic.kr/p/81Eko1
Of course, I'll give credit to you and a link back. Please let me know your decision on this request. Thanks.
Blog: Bella Nella's Papercrafts
Hi Carolyn,
I just posted my nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award. Go take a peek! :) And please know that as far as I'm concerned, the award is yours to do with as you please! Thanks for your terrific blogs!! Gloria
I've only just discovered your blog and website, and have really enjoyed browsing them. I'm very impressed with your work, both textile and sketchbooks and I love your mosaic compositions.
You are now on my igoogle homepage so that I can get updates! Many thanks Julie
I've only just discovered you blog and website and have enjoyed browsing them. I am very impressed with both your textile work and your sketchbooks, and I love your mosaic compositions. I've put you on my igoogle homepage so I can get updates! Many thanks Julie
Hi there - I saw your quilt at the NEC and alathough I had seen your photos they don't do it justice - I thought it was wonderful and spent ages looking at it x
Hi Carolyn - I've just discovered your amazing blog and am now following it. I have been looking for tutorials on heat fusing, particularly bubble wrap, and you have filled in the gaps in my knowledge and I am now experimenting!! You are one of the most talented multi-media artists I have ever come across and I am amazed at the breadth of your imagination and use of different materials! You truly are an inspiration.
I've put some photos of my first "meltings" on my blog, and have posted a link to your blog on the Art forum I am on.
Many thanks!
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog!!!
I love "what-iffing" too - it's such fun!
I have a whole collection of photos taken on different holidays of walls, cobbles, stones etc. I love the textures and colours, and am inspired how you use them in your art. I must do more!!
Do you have a gallery in St. Ives? We live in S. Devon and I'd love to come down and have a look sometime and maybe meet you!
ou are so ridiculously talented! i'm gobsmacked by the volume of work you have, how long have you been doing this for? I have done so much research into work like this and nothing has ever appealed to me until i saw this.
I am 18 and currently doing an art foundation course at Loughborough. I'm concentrating on textile techniques for fashion for my final project. your work is perfect for what I'm doing. it is alright if i take inspiration from your work and use some of the techniques you have shown? if i need a hand with a few things may i contact you?
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