"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Thursday, 15 March 2012

work from our exhibition "inspired to stitch"

what would we do for conversation ...
if it wasn't for the weather!

after such a lovely day on Saturday
the last few days have been thick with fog and Cornish mizzle

from one pier to the other you can hardly see the lighthouse

on Monday I was at the exhibition with Jo and
during the afternoon I took a little break and went for a walk

it was really quite chilly as I watched a couple of doggies
playing in a shallow pool of water at the bottom of the pier
and admired the markings on the pier wall

a heavy mist hangs over the cottage rooftops
taken through the library window

so perhaps a bit of colour will brighten things up!

on request ... here are "a few" photos of my work
currently on display in St. Ives Library
until 31st March

firstly my St. Ives seaside quilt
which most of you will have seen before (yawn ... sorry!)
but has never been on display in St. Ives until now

"St. Ives seaside art quilt"
it measures one metre square and is made from hand dyed silk (back and front) with applique cottages, reverse applique cobbles, machine stitching, hand stitching, shells and beads as well as melted sheer fabrics and plastic which generally appear in my work. The seaweed was made from melted chiffon, plastic and also folded/scrunched silk but there is also some real dried seaweed sewn on there

"the blue sky was merry"
a framed stitched collage
a scene I created inspired by the harbour at high tide
textures were created by machine stitching into layers of fabrics, wool tops, scrim and melted sheer fabrics. On top I like to add french knots, beads and little shells to encourage you to look into the scene

happily ... "the blue sky was merry"

I've created lots of new postcards to add to my collection
featuring combinations of Cornish seaside scenes
mixed with different aspects of textiles that I enjoy

this one features lovely tones of blue/mauve found on mussell shells
a still life I made with mussel shells and seaweed
St. Ives harbour, a stormy beach scene at Godrevy
and natural dyeing with red cabbage dye ... yum!

"mussel blue" - postcard

"storm over Porthminster beach, St. Ives bay"
a framed art print

"forget me not"
a framed mixed media collage
mixed media collage - calico, waxed paper, waxed fabrics
real pressed flowers, silk, lace, some stitches and a button

inspired by the colours in my art print
and because I love wild flowers and
the randomness of an unorganised garden

just as well as I have no time for gardening
this is my garden

"forget me not"

this new postcard represents my love of beachcombing
and the inspiration I find from just being on the beach
it features a monoprint, the harbour, some beach finds
beach streams (painted bondaweb) and some
lovely colourful houses I photographed at Dartmouth

"beachcombing" - postcard

"St. Ives cottages, cobbles and lichen"
a framed art print

a framed stitched piece
hand dyed cotton, silk and chiffon
textures created by folding and melting
with free motion stitch, french knots and a few beads

"the sea and the wind"
a framed stitched collage
a nestle of quirky cottages on a windswept beach
the sea is rough sending up spray and surf

mixed media - cotton, folded fabrics, hand stitching , scrim
shimmery melted sheers, shells, beads and text

"the sea and the wind are roaring now"

a framed art print

"the sky was cloudless and bright"
mixed media stitched collage in a box frame
mixed media
my own photograph of St. Ives harbour stitched to calico
with linen, cotton, vintage knitted piece, limpet shells
lace, rafia, cloves, hand stitching
and some machine stitching

inspired by the brightness of a winter day in St. Ives

a new postcard inspired by snow and snowflakes
little cottages by the sea in winter
and a mini tag book I made for Tag Tuesday

"St. Ives snowy cottages" - postcard

a new postcard inspired by Cornish mizzle
and the beauty of St. Ives in winter
even on a grey day

"a misty day in St. Ives" - postcard

"moonlit waters"
framed mixed media stitched collage
mixed media
melted chiffon, silk, mulberry bark, scrim
free motion machine embroidery
hand stitching, pearl seed beads

water effects created with melted acetate
over pre-printed fabric with moon shapes

I used my most valuable piece of vintage lace on this one
so will not be sad if it does not sell ;o)

"pebble textures"
a framed art print

"the shoreline"
framed mixed media collage - stitch and wax
I think this is my most favourite one

mixed media
melted acetate, silver paper, waxed paper, torn chiffon
a fabric pre-printed with a pebble design, scrim
and melted plastic on a lace background

it features the little Alfred Wallis style cottages that I love
a piece of flat slate pebble with text and beads

"the shoreline"

"thrupenny purple"
a framed mixed media stitched collage

fabric, paper, lace, silk, stitch, melted sheer fabrics
beads, sequins and a and a vintage purple stamp
featuring our beautiful Diamond Queen

"recycle bird"
mixed media collage in a box frame
"hear a bird sing"
mixed media collage - paper and stitch
with pressed berries
"autumn landscape"
you may have seen this one in progress
on Love Stitching Red and on flickr

a hand stitched piece
on cotton background fabric dyed by my friend Chris Gray

there is a little hilltop cottage
beyond an embroidered woodland
of machine embroidred trees
and lazy daisy stitched autumn leaves

the landscape layers are hand stitched hand dyed silk
with fly stitch umbel shaped seed heads

"indigo light of the storm"

just a small piece I added to the bottom of our exhibition poster
melted chiffons on hand dyed silk and scrim

I dyed the silk and scrim with blackberries
and decorated with beads and
bits from my sewing box such as hooks and eyes

framed mixed media waxed paper collage
I enjoyed creating this piece
especially layering the mix of papers

I used a mix of waxed mulberry paper, hand painted papers
waxed tissue paper and shiny silver papers
with sheer fabrics and plastic which I love to melt
free motion machine stitching
and a real piece of seaweed

a new postcard
it features one of my stitched hearts
some rust and peeling paint (recurring theme)
a photo I took of cottages at Dartmouth with rust texture added
rusty ropes and fishing nets, tie dye and rust patterns

"inspiring rust" - postcard
the last of my new postcards inspired by sunny days
my paint palette, Mousehole, details from my stitched hearts
and one of my watercolour paintings

"turquoise waters" - postcardif you are interested in any of these pieces
they will be available for sale in my shop after 1st April 2012

1 - 31 March 2012
St. Ives Library, Gabriel Street, St. Ives, Cornwall
Jo and I each have a wall in the exhibition
you can just make out my other art quilt hanging there
the white, silver and red "St. Ives Seaside Cottages"

my work is on the long wall opposite the windows
so it was hard to photograph the work
without getting lots of reflections in the glass

some people like to be able to touch textile work
others like work to be protected and dust free

I chose to frame most of my pieces under glass
because it can always be removed later ... according to taste

obviously the art quilts are not under glass

"meet the artists"

during the month Jo and I have spent some time
at the exhibition and it's been lovely to meet lots of new people

It's an opportunity to talk textiles and about the inspiration behind our work, share techniques and offer a selection of other textile goodies that we cannot otherwise leave unattended at the exhibition ... art cards and prints, textile art hearts, beaded mermaid scarves, pin cushions, beads and textile inspiration packs

I also brought along my stuffies that appeared
in the magazine "Cloth Paper Scissors"

and at my next "meet" I will have my sketchbooks
from The Sketchbook Project 2011 and 2012

Jo will next be in the Library (upstairs)
Tuesday 20th March 2012
from 12 - 5 pm

this is some of Jo's beautiful work

and I will next be in the Library (upstairs)
Tuesday 27th March 2012
from 2 - 5 pm

hope to see you ♥


jan said...

Absolutely stunning, wish I could see it for real...x

Anonymous said...

I so loved seeing your show pieces! You are one talented lady! I read your artist's statement and what a story you have there. It's no wonder you have such a richness in your work with a lifetime of learning. A follower for a few years now I have seen most if not all of these works and as much as I love the beach and all of your sea pieces I have surprised myself as "Foget Me Not" seems to be my favorite. I love the color combinations and the softness of the piece..Just Beautiful! Thank you so much for this wonderful post! I can't wait to see what you do next : )


Karen Larko said...

WOW! I love it all! Your work is amazing and you live in such a beautiful place. I wish I could see it for real too. Thanks for sharing.

Pom Pom said...

Hi dear Carolyn! I know I always say this, but you live in an incredibly beautiful place!
Your cottages are so storybook, so of the sea! I love them!
I have a similar seagull photo that I took on a beach in Australia!
Your birds always delight me. REALLY!
Everything is such a visual delight. Thank you so much for sharing! Today while tidying up my bedside table, I came upon the lovely stones I picked up off the beach in Maine. So happy!

Carol Rigby said...

As always, your work is so beautiful! I look forward to seeing what more you have in store for us.


Hello Carolyn, OH, how I love your art exhibition creations. Sooooooooooooooooooooo very inspiring and beautiful. I love exploring each and everyone to see what you all used on them. Looking at your art makes me happy. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Judy

Anonymous said...

Everything to love here. Your piece with your own photograph is quite simple and somehow really stirring. All wonderful work wish I could see it in person. xox Corrine

Diane said...

I wish I( was there - what a fab post Carolyn. I hope you are enjoying yourself. x

Helen said...

Wonderful pieces Carolyn. I hope the exhibition goes well. Wish I could see it for myself!

stephanie said...

fab exhibition, stunning, inspiring work. it was great to meet you and jo, id love to come again on the 20th to see your sketchbooks but im on my college trip. It was very foggy when i came to see you last monday but i got some fab photos too!

Gina said...

Such gorgeous inspiring work Carolyn - I wish I could see it all for real.

Jacqui Chimes said...

Gorgeous post Carolyn - your work is beautiful

Sandies' Patch said...

This is my most favourite post ever!
Thank you so much for showing us folk who can't get to the Exhibition your wonderful Art!
Each photo came up and I thought, "this is my favourite". Then the next would come up and so on, until I really could not decide! LOL!
I think I would buy all of your art and completley fill my home with it! But, having said that, it would not look so good perhaps, all close to each other?

I don't know if you have already said but, are you going to produce prints/postcards of some of your work?

I would think that some of them (Winter themed) would make excellent Christmas/Seasonal cards too.

I'm all fired up and inspired now to go create but, have to go to the job club thingy,...really not in the mood for that....Oh to win the lottery, I'd be down to St Ives like an arrow shot!

Have a great weekend,thank you for being such a gorgeously talented artist!


Sandie xx

Chrissie said...

You're asking too much to expect us to pick just one favourite, Carolyn! But, oh, if I must, then 'the sea and the wind' is particularly lovely. I've no doubt the exhibition has been a roaring success.

daisy said...

All your creations are stunningly beautiful Carolyn.

Lynn Holland said...

The photos are stunning and it is compensation for not being able to see the real thing. It is hard to choose a favourite but if i was going to buy one it would probably be 'Recycle Bird'.
I hope you have a lot of success in selling your pieces.
Lynn xxx

Peneller said...

We loved the exhibition Carolyn. Your work is truly inspirational. Hope to meet up with you sometime when we're visiting again.

imac said...

So much beautiful work Carolyn, your exhibition looks stunning. You know I love all your seasidey pieces but 'Autumn Landscape' is gorgeous too.

imac said...

That is of course me, Julie, not imac! He's been on my laptop as his computer is sick.

Lynda Howells said...

loved seeing your work for the exhibition..all looked amazing. Well donexx Wish l could have seen it in personxlyndax

Ati said...

Thank you for the beautiful photos from the exhibition! Wish I lived a little more near you and I would come and visit. Fantastic work !!

Elizabeth Armstrong said...

Dear Carolyn
I would be there with bells on and bring as many folk as I could to see your wonderful work.
I wish you every success and hope it leads to lots of other wonderful opportunities.
Australia is way too far away from Cornwall.
Congrats on such a lovely collection!

PeregrineBlue said...

oh carolyn, no wonder i am such an admirer. i would so like to take a workshop with you, all those different techniques and materials that make your work so unique. everything about this post stands out as coming from a beautiful artistic soul. you are more than an inspiration...you are someone to look up to and learn from in every aspect of life.

i would like to reserve the "forget me not" if that is possible. let me know how much it is and i will transfer the monies to you through paypal.

much love, constanza

JP said...

well done - the work is beautiful - there are many many hours here - glad you have enjoyed doing it

Ingrid@Fable of the Table said...

I didn't want this post to end ... So much to inspire me here.
Wish I could get to see the exhibition , congratulations on putting such a beautiful collection together.

Lynette (NZ) said...

Oh my - congratulations on such a beautiful exhibition. I so wish I could see the pieces in person


Thanks so much to you all for your very kind comments. I have tried to reply privately as much as possible. If you are a no-reply blogger may I add my thanks here for visiting and leaving a message for me

I shall be at the exhibition on Tuesday 27 March from 2-5 pm and look forward to meeting you if you are able to come along. Bye for now x

Barb Cady said...

Well. I might not have been able to get to St Ives but thankyou so much for posting this as now I can visit whenever I want! Stunning work, each and every piece, I so love love your art! xx