"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Monday, 27 January 2014

winter skies and mosaic monday

most mornings I lean on the bedroom windowsill
for just a few moments with that first cup of tea
gazing over the rooftops and treetops at the birds and the clouds

sometimes ... 
there is an amazing sky and I want to capture it for all time

winter skies with purple clouds

and sometimes ...
I find myself drawn to groups of colour that take me by surprise

soft pastel tones of winter
a selection of recent artworks
by a few of my favourite artists on flickr
(please click on the photo for the links)

back tomorrow with some beautiful tags

1 comment:

PetraB said...

Thank you so much for sharing your photo and the beautiful art work. The colours look so inspiring and have a hint of Spring.