"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Monday, 17 February 2014

winter morning and fish shanties

inspired by a cold winter morning at the beach

 with thanks to the artists featured here for their beautiful art and photography:

what a beautiful weekend we had weather wise
still very cold ... but bright and sunny {and hardly any rain}

I wanted to go to the beach ...
it's been so long since I last went beach combing

instead I had a very happy time presenting and photographing the rooms in my cottage
for the estate agents' sales particulars ... making the most of the sunshine

inevitably, serendipitous collections of things pile up in my studio
which sometimes inspire a photograph ... in this case a jar photo

I haven't forgotten that I have still to post about the jar project
and the very special last jar ... it will contain materials I will use in a
very special limited edition zine with original pieces of hand stitched textiles
collections from the jar project and photographs presented in different ways
it's been an exciting project and one that still inspires occasionally

definitely more on that later ...

my work room is now converted back to a clean, smart, fully functional bedroom again
I have moved my textiles table to the dining room
and have limited myself to one {huge} bag of fabrics
plus sewing machine and the {mixed media) contents of 5 double cupboards
so that I can continue working while showing the cottage

while clearing out I found these bits and pieces
that were intended for Tag Tuesday art tags
... the themes of "travel" "fish" and "the roaring twenties"
and {ooops} that's as far as they got

but I think I may try and get them done next week
as I'm starting a new 45 week art sketchbook project with my sister

we will be experimenting with texture and layers, creating textures
and backgrounds for art work but working mainly in our sketchbooks
it will be the ideal push I need to catch up with all of my Tag Tuesday tags
which I will probably share on Love Stitching Red each week

this new project starts on Wednesday 26th February
and the 45 weeks take us up to Wednesday 31 December ... a nice ending

the rest of this week I will be working on some custom orders, finishing up some things
I am making as gifts and preparing new work for my etsy update on 28th February
always busy, busy, busy

thanks always for stopping by and reading my rambles ♥


A bird in the hand said...

"fish shanties" -- I love that. I can almost smell the sea air from your blog. love, me

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...


Linda Vincent said...

Oh.....so envious of you Carolyn; I'd love to go down to the beach whenever I felt like it.
Love the mosaic...... xx

Anonymous said...

pretty nice blog, following :)