"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

sometimes ...

just stopping by to thank everyone for their patience with me while I had to take a break from online activities.
life changed in such a massive way for me on 19th February 2014 ...
and I'm still not ready to publicly share that part of my life

since February, I have had hardly any time for myself, my art or to keep in touch.  I think of you all but I get only "snatches" of time and moments here and there to write.  Sometimes, I pop by your blogs (but you may not know that) and read a little late at night.  I admire your artistic journeys and take pleasure from seeing all the creativity out there.  Sometimes, I get a moment to "like" photos on flickr, facebook, twitter and other online places.  Sometimes, I spend a moment or two looking at the peaceful artwork of my favourite artists ...

this lovely video shares the work of one of my favourite landscape artists, Stewart Edmondson,
and how he is inspired by, and interacts with, nature as he paints

it's so peaceful ... what an amazing talent Stewart has

I have decided that I must not rush back ...
so I hope you will bear with me while this break is necessary in my life at the moment

I'm sorry that I am not able to reply to personal messages, emails and comments at this time
but I'm doing the best I can and do hope to be back here in the future
sharing new work and, hopefully, inspiring projects as I see them

enjoy every moment of the season ...
wet leaves, dew drops, spider's webs, windfall fruits,
berries and late summer flowers ... drying ... turning colours
misty mornings, twinkling starlight and dusky evenings ...

thank you