"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Saturday, 3 January 2015

one last flurry ...

a busy few days in St. Ives and Mousehole

on Tuesday I met up with friends Julie and Stewart (staying in Mousehole)
and drove over to Morvah School House to see "Landscapes and Heads"
but, sadly, it was closed so I'm hoping to try again next week with Jo

instead we took a walk around Morvah and
got slobbered on by the cows in the field

back in St. Ives we visited Sally's show in St. Ives Arts Club
it finishes today - Saturday 3rd January 2015
if you are hoping to still get there ... you will love Sally's paintings
(and say "hello" from me)

St. Ives was looking very beautiful in the winter light of late afternoon

on New Year's Eve ... we had a party at home with family staying
followed by fireworks on Mousehole harbour
and more fireworks from London on the telly


the fireworks in London looked so beautiful through the trees

on New Year's Day I put together a new erosion bundle

I make up a bundle every year and this one
is for a project I am going to share on Love Stitching Red
more about it there ...

yesterday ... family went home
and I spent one last afternoon with Julie and Stewart
drinking tea at The Rock Pool Cafe in Mousehole
and talking textiles ...

 now it's time to "de-bunny" and get back to work ...

projects for 2015
mostly textiles
sampling and work for Exhibition with St. Ives Textiles
sampling and work for Exhibition with Jo at St. Ives Arts Club
Tag Tuesday on Love Stitching Red
Wreck on Wednesday on Love Stitching Red

hope to see you here and there
and thank you for the loveliest comments on recent posts ♥


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

NICE post!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos of the London Eye with fireworks and all those colors. The trees do look quite striking with all that light. xox

Carol Rigby said...

Ooh! I can't wait to see the results of all your projects for 2015.

K J D said...

Lovely post.... love the Merry Christmas sign :)

The fireworks were great weren't they?
Even just seen on the television :)

Karen x

A bird in the hand said...

I may have been in the wrong place for Christmas ;)
Lovely post.

Julie said...

We had fun, didn't we :-) You are going to have lots to enjoy this year. x

TwinkleToes2day said...

Sounds like you had a very lovely time with your chums. The exhibition looks wonderful, I'm sure it was a huge success.
Your fireworks photies are awesome. I love fireworks; unfortunately Wee Man can only tolerate them from waaay back and with his ear-defenders on. He appreciated your pictures tho and was fascinated that some seemed to be coming off the wheel, which we went on last Spring.
Your final two pics are very evocative of festive times. Nicely done as always. Love xxx

https://tastytextiles.blogspot.com/ said...

So much talent in St Ives, I hope to get down some time soon. Gilli @ Tasty Textiles by Textile Cottage

Dyer said...

Thank you so much, exhibition looks enthralling. beginning to think --bundles

Pom Pom said...

You make such pretty things! I remember your erosion bundle a few years ago!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Amazing fireworks photos! Reading about erosion bundles reminded me of the one (and only) time I tried to make one. Buried it in the compost heap - specifically telling hubby that it was there. Of course forgot all about it until spring when DH arrived in the house muttering about some stupid fabric that managed to bung up his roto tiller in the garden. Oops.

Lynette (NZ) said...

Happy New Year! Hoping you have a creatively joyful 2015. So glad I have caught up with your blogging again - love the fireworks but especially love the seed heads and hydrangea for your erosion bundle. Off to explore your other blog about that...x o

Janet Wake said...

It is so nice to see back on your blog. Look forward to seeing your new work.