"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Saturday, 23 July 2016

a long time away ...

last time I posted here I was getting ready for "Stitch St. Ives" in March
(a brand new stitching and supplies show held in St. Ives)

I put in so many, many hours preparing my new textiles supplies packs
and getting excited about the colours in my hand dyed fabrics

but then just a few days before the show I got ill and wasn't able to do it
after a difficult winter struggling on with a chest infection and asthma ...
 I got a really bad lot of flu, fever, a lung infection and laryngitis in March
it was mainly because of my auto immune illness and fibromyalgia
that started in August 2015 and has been ongoing ever since ...

I felt so overwhelmed with everything that I juggle
that I decided to take a long time out

 the road to recovery actually began by spending a lot more time in the garden
sometimes gardening and sometimes just sitting in the garden ... thinking and planning

it has been a real therapy for me and I've developed a love for that peaceful time
but now ... I'm starting out again with the online stuff ... but slowly this time ...

my aim {now} is to simplify life and take my time with everything ...
trying to enjoy the peaceful moments in a very busy world
the sunshine and the flowers, the sea and the rain
birdsong, bees, misty mornings in the bay
a paintbrush and a needle

slowly ...
because I'm still struggling day to day with the fibromyalgia and auto immune illness
and I'm still pondering "the big picture" and making personal plans
choosing my projects carefully and trying not to take on too many things

I just thought I might explain a little
why I've been away so long x


Carol Rigby said...

Oh Carolyn. I am so glad to see you here. I know you still struggle with your illness but I am glad to hear that you have somewhat recovered from those winter ill's.
I have missed seeing your beautiful creations and love these photos of a little taster of what you are up to. Keep doing what you are doing. Soaking up your beautiful surroundings and you couldn't live in a better place to do just that. Hope to see you back here again soon.xx

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Sometimes that's the only way forward, Carolyn. A good way to live your life right now, glad that you're improving. Lesley x

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I definitely missed you Carolyn and wondered how you were doing. So sorry you have been dealing with ill health, but am very glad to hear that you are getting better even though it is a slow process. Take your time and do what you need to for yourself. A little bit of creativity and a whole lot of pondering sounds good to me. Take care of you.

chrissie said...

So pleased to read this post and know you are feeling a little better. So many things to cope with must have been very difficult.

Take care

Love Chrissie xx

kerosene said...


KittyAnn said...

I had just started following you a month before your illness Carolyn. I am glad to read you are feeling better, illness can knock us for a loop de loop, and the road to recovery can be long. I think you did exactly what was needed by taking time off, just being and enjoying the moments! Our crazy busy world sometimes just has to be turned off! I love your work, so beautiful, I also love the area where you live, I hope I am able to visit your part of the planet one day soon, I live on the east coast of the USA, not far from the seaside. Take care. Ani

Erica said...

I have so missed you Caroline and very sorry you have been under the weather for so long. I have a friend with fibro so have a little understanding of its impact on life and living. With all the other things going on for you as well, no wonder you have to cherish yourself. Enjoy your time out and time spent just dreaming and being. While many of us missed seeing you online and enjoying your work, I am sure I speak for all of us when I say that your well being comes before that. xoxox

Andy Lloyd Williams said...

Very good to hear you are on the mend. It is good to hear from you as I love looking at your work: it is so inspirational. Don't take on too much on your return!
Very best wishes.

martha brown said...

Yes, take it slowly, my friend. I have been sick much of this year ( teaching 6+7 year olds is a germs affair). I am spending the next weeks in solitude, refocusing on myself. I hope that you are able to do something of the same?

Juliette Orton - Artist said...

Lovely blog Carolyn, I'm sorry to hear that you've had such a rough ride. I have messaged you some info as I also have autoimmune issues and think it might help.
Keep pacing yourself, your work is fabulous.

Lynette (NZ) said...

Sending love Carolyn - sorry to hear of your struggles. Your work is always so beautiful - look forward to seeing more when you are ready xo

Gina said...

You need to take care of yourself first Carolyn and seems you've found a way. Lovely to see you here xx

A bird in the hand said...

One beautiful step at a time. xxxxx

Indianna said...

Sounds like your garden is perfect for dreaming .... And stitching hexies. Take it easy and enjoy the summer x

WendyK said...

I am so pleased to see that you are recovering and back making your wonderful art projects. Take it slowly and enjoy doing what you love to do.
Wendy x

DILOU said...

Chère Caroline,
Toutes mes pensées de France pour vous souhaiter la meilleure santé possible avec cette vilaine maladie. Je ne suis pas en très bonne santé non plus et je pense cordialement à vous

Digitalgran said...

I'm so glad you felt well enough to let people know why you've been so quiet. You are loved by so many people and quite a few have contacted me to ask if I know what has happened to you. Take your time to get really well before doing things again and you will know when the time comes. I've just returned after a quiet few years myself and am feeling creative and happy again.
Lots of hugs and best wishes.