there are holes in the sky
where the rain gets in
but they're ever so small
that's why rain is thin
- Spike Milligan -
Mounts bay
with texture created by my talented sister Evelyn
after two days of fog and mist and generally rain, rain, rain
it is wonderful to see the sun shining this morning
and I am ready for spring ...
1. 1955

1. daffodils and snow 2. breakfast - wide shot 3. vintage rubber stamp 4. daffodil dissected 5. sea daffodil seed head 6. ca_20150118_012 7. frosty morning 5 8. little riffs 9. ink planetarium 10. on my easel mother and daughter 11. antique french wooden thread spools 12. studio table 13. studio table
1. Where have all the flowers gone?, 2. Vintage French Rubber Stamps, 3. daffodils and snow, 4. Breakfast - wide shot, 5. Vintage Rubber Stamp, 6. daffodil dissected, 7. sea daffodil seed head, 8. ca_20150118_012, 9. Frosty morning 5, 10. little riffs, 11. Ink planetarium, 12. On my easel, Mother and Daughter, 13. Antique French Wooden Thread Spools
yes ... spring time
I welcome your warmth, sunshine and brightness
What a wonderful moody looking photo. I love the added texture. I would love to learn more about photography. btw Have you seen the wonderful program about photography that is on BBC4 at the moment. It's really interesting.
Looking forward to seeing your crackle paste samples.
gorgeous, I seem to use that word a lot around your work!! xox
Gosh, just adore your mood views always, so much visual stimulation here. xox
Two days of sun (but cold) here and now the weather report is calling for a big snowstorm to hit tomorrow and into Tuesday. One step forward, and two steps back - spring will come.
J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites et les photos sont un moment de voyage et d'évasion.
Bonjour de Paris. Odile
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