"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Monday, 24 July 2017

St. Ives Textiles annual exhibition 2017

I am pleased to be taking part in the third annual textile exhibition in St. Ives.  It takes place during the first week of the St. Ives September Festival and will be held at Porthmeor Studios on the Back Road West in downalong St. Ives in Cornwall.  The studios are prestigious and a very old and important part of St. Ives art history.  It is a joy to be amongst so many important artists exhibiting and opening up their studios during the two week festival.

St. Ives Textiles' theme this year is "Kernow Inspirations" - taking our inspiration from anything and everything Cornish.  We are spoilt for choice.  Our group currently has nine textile artists and each one has taken a different aspect to explore in textiles and sketchbooks.  Interestingly, all of the themes come together as one very exciting body of work.

We have a website and a facebook page if you are interested in finding out more about the group, the artists and their work.  We sometimes host textile workshops to further explore new techniques.

My own particular take on our Cornish theme includes landscapes, the Cornish countryside, seaside and beach themes, beachcombing, rock pools and, always, St. Ives and Cornish cottages.  Other work includes Cornwall's beautiful gardens, in particular Trebah Gardens, Cornish hedgerows, tin mines, rocks and granite, nature found in the Cornish countryside, the St. Ives Textile industry known as Crysede, fishing boats, buoys, seagulls, lichen, stained glass in St. Ives church windows and St. Ives in general.

Hope you can come along and see our work.  My days stewarding are Monday 11th September and Saturday 16th September 2017.

St. Ives Textiles
"Kernow Inspirations" - an exhibition of textile art inspired by aspects of Cornwall
Porthmeor Studios, Back Road West, St. Ives, Cornwall, TR26 1NG
9 - 16 September 2017


susan hemann said...

wish I could be there!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

If wishes could only sprout me wings!