"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Thursday, 17 August 2017

a hello from Cornwall

Just popping by to say hello.  I'll be catching up here in a couple of days.  A family visit followed by a mild recurrence of my illness (not connected lol) have had a slight impact on what I've been able to achieve in the last couple of weeks.  I've finished my samples for week 20 (glazes) and week 21 (embedding) for the Surface Treatment Workshop and have also started on week 22 (pours).  I just need to have a little photo session but here is an "in progress" shot from my phone ...

Meanwhile, talking of "pours" ... I found my neighbours' decorators' paint can rather interesting ...

and this lovely view started my day off beautifully this morning ... love that sky!

See you soon ... x


Carol Rigby said...

Looking forward to catching up with what you've been doing Carolyn and I hope you are feeling much better.x

Julie said...

I know you're rushed off your feet at the moment but do take some 'me' time, Carolyn and look after yourself. Rest before keeping us updated here. We can wait xx Love your photos and that paint is gorgeous!

Chris Lally said...

Love your work and your sense of humor!
Hope you're feeling 100% very soon!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely images and art in progress! Love the paint can textures and colours.... !

Evelyn said...

The above comment was me!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So sorry you've been under the weather again. At least you can console yourself by enjoying your incredible view as you get your energy back. Take care of you!