"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

the rain it raineth every day ...

It's a grey rainy day in Cornwall.  Very heavy rain and rather blustery as well.  I do love the weather here in this exposed part of the far south west.  It's always very dramatic and very beautiful.

I was supposed to be meeting friends for beachcombing and swimming on our favourite, secluded beach followed by a visit to Kurt Jackson's studio.  I was looking forward to taking my sketchbook, paints and oil pastels, making some little drawings using soil samples and having a go at a Cornish sound walk, similar to the one I did in Norfolk with Debbie Lyddon.  I'm hoping that this still happens … but maybe this time next week.

Instead, I am making the most of being cosy indoors, watching the sky and the light change over the bay, as I work on a few small things and sort out my photos. One of my very good friends recently suggested I could make a book from the photographs I take daily of the changing light and colours across the sky and how it affects the seascape and the landscape on the far coast.  It's a lovely idea.  But just to notice it, appreciate it and try to capture it in some way is enough for me.  The many shades of grey, white and blue with touches of Cornish gold inspire something deep within me.

Who put wisdom within the clouds
Or gave understanding to the sky phenomenon?
~ Job 38:36 ~ 

I started these small collage pieces inspired by Mousehole fish and starry gazey pies.  They are just small little things for my sketchbook, inspired by the rich heritage of this and surrounding fishing villages.

They are still drying off on my desk and the next stage will be to cut them into small pieces and work further into them with oil pastels and stitch. I will share the little silver darlings next time.

Also, taking my time going through my Workshop notes and the many photos from my recent trip to Norfolk.  It would be nice to get my pieces from the Workshop finished, photos sent to print, and some small painting and collage pieces done to remind me of my lovely visit to Norfolk and time with Debbie Lyddon.  I think Norfolk will follow little silver darlings (and whatever magical things happen down on the secret beach).  Thank you for reading.