"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Thursday, 22 October 2009

A for Autumn

My next few posts are about nature and colour in my little world

I only started blogging properly around this time last year when I was ill in bed for weeks and couldn't do much else! Since then, I have met some really lovely blog friends and I've had some fab swaps recently so I would love to share a few bits n bobs with you. I have divided all the little treasures into piles of colour and today I'm showing the Autumn colours of green and brown

These variegated orange/green threads were part of a lovely package I received from Connie, photographed on top of a page from the latest Stitch mag and with my favourite leaf

I've been photographing this leaf a lot. It's very dark on the "right" side. I left it to go curly and crispy which made some nice interesting textures. When I turned it over I could not believe how beautiful the colours were on the back … so wonderful!

This green and gold yarn with sparkly bits in is Sirdar Juniper

Conkers always remind me of my Nan. She says if you put conkers in the corners of your rooms and by doors and windows it keeps spiders away

Cathie treats me to lovely flavoured tea bags. This one is full of green leaves in a little silk bag and is White Tea flavoured with orange leaves and lemon grass

Then there is a yummy Ferrero choccy. I had to get it because it was NEW. Someone had to test drive it!

On the right is a lovely card Julie gave me when we met up recently so it will go in my journal and will always remind me of the day we met and had a cuppa and a good old natter.  It’s from one of her paintings!

This postcard is of a lovely stitched landscape by Michala (Kaylacoo). I recently commissioned one of her small stitched landscapes and when it came she had kindly included a few cards of her work. It's very beautiful. The brown metallic thread and the green thread are from Connie x

So, in my little world of colour I always, always enjoy my favourite mags, Country Living and Country Homes & Interiors, every month especially with chocolate and a nice cuppa! At this time of year they are extra-specially nice and full of warming, inspiring ideas for cosying up and enjoying Autumn into Winter

I love the idea of hibernating and getting ready for Winter. As a little girl I used to read a lot of books that featured cosy homes in the woodlands. Little animals preparing for hibernation by gathering and preparing lots of foody treats to get them through the Winter

This picture is from one of my books called "Fairyland Secrets". I am very happy that I still have a few of my most favourite childhood books about woodlands and fairies

Last year, I found a book in a charity shop that had to come home with me. It's an adopted favourite now. It's called "Rook" by Deborah King. It tells the story of a family of rooks through all the seasons, as the weather and the countryside changes and how it affects them. The illustrations are absolutely stunning and I love to read this book

I find these illustrations very inspiring and they are spot on with the seasons. I would love to stitch some of these one day

This is the picture for October - season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. A mixture of cold, harsh, bleak landscapes and the warmth of the late Autumn sunshine and harvested fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries

This is a beautiful birdie tag made for me from Kath - thank you x

I kept this sweetie wrapper because hubby gave me these -I love the nostalgic label!

For my love of green and brown I have included this picture of ferns I took back in the Summer, photographed on my sketchbook, because really there is green and brown all year round …

Lastly, I would love to share with you this photograph of a poppy seed pod taken by my sister. Her photographs are beautiful and I really enjoy her work and her experimentation with texture and colour

I hope you enjoyed seeing these beautiful autumn colours today x


Lynn Cohen said...

absoulutely stunning post!

AeFondKis said...

Carolyn, beautiful post didn't want it to end.
Your coloursense is profound.....
Linda x

Cathy Cullis said...

Lovely post full of Autumn richness, thank you for sharing so many colourful images, Cathyx

Chris Gray said...

I love this post!

It's so nice to have all those lovely pics to look at.

..and I love Country Living mag too - I get it delivered now so I don't miss one!

x Chris

Julie said...

It certainly is a feast Carolyn and so beautifully displayed. You have a great eye for design. Your sister's poppy photogrpah is very atmospheric and I love those book illustrations. xxx I'm pleased you liked the little card with the oil painting on. I don't do much painting these days but maybe I'll have another go soon.

Doreen G said...

Jaw dropping beautiful post Carolyn with amazing photos.

Sharne Gregory said...

What a feast for the eyes! I shall be looking out for 'Rook' when I am out and about, the pictures look wonderful.

Catharina Maria said...

This is a beautiful post , love the purple !
So great with all the other colors
XOX Rini

Annie said...

That was really wonderful blogging. Thank you for sharing it with us. A x

Penny said...

You always manage to sum up what I enjoy most about Autumn and life in general. The 2 magazines you mention are my absolute favourites too. And I also have kept my favourite children's books which I dig out and enjoy at various times of the year.Your posts are such a joy Carolyn!

Cathie said...

I could not wait this morning to grab my coffee and find out what you have been up to since I've been away visiting the mountains.
I was gone only one day - and look at all the beauty you have come up with. I love the way you look at the world Carolyn - it inspires me to look at things in a different light as you will see by some of the photos I took on my journey. I tried to see nature through YOUR eyes. XO

Joei Rhode Island said...

Carolyn of Mixed Media INDEED!
Your photography is stunning. The color theme is perfect for this time of the year and you've gathered it's essence perfectly.

Pom Pom said...

I love the Rook book!

Anonymous said...

lovely late bedtime read. night night. Carolx

Unknown said...

I am really behind with reading posts. I love your pictures Carolyn!

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Wonderful post and photos, so rich and inspiring. I have discovered some new textile artists too , thanks!

Fiona said...

Carolyn - what a fabulous relaxing post - I enjoyed looking through it and reading it so much - you've mentioned two of my favourite mags too - and I love all the conkers and leaves - I've been experimenting with leaves myself and may put my workings up on my blog - you've inspired me!

JP said...

I just love the rook illustations - is the book still in print - I love watching the birds coming in to feed at this time of the year on all our feeders - lovely photos - very calming

Timaree said...

Yes, I did enjoy the color treats. That poppy seed pod is a nice pic. So many little treasures shown here. I like the happy, cute little fairies of your old book. So often today fairies are portrayed as well, quite strange really to me at any rate.

Jacky said...

Another beautiful post with so many lovely images. Love the colour combo - brown and green and that photo your sister took gorgeous.

The art and gifts from friends is lovely for us to see too...such talent out there.

Your book about the family of Rook's is a real treasure, such beautiful illustrations.

Jacky xox

Lorraine said...

what a beautiful autumnal blog post ...love those pictures of rooks and landscapes will make excellent felting inspiration