"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Monday, 1 March 2010

My favourite pebbles

A new month and a few pages from my sketchbook ...

Just playing ...

My favourite pebbles are the ones that can be
found on the beach at Godrevy, in varying
shades of blue grey with lines of white quartz.
I especially like the really sparkly ones that
glitter with crystals

They tend to be very rounded with smooth
edges and I love to handle them, wondering
how long they have been tumbling in the sea
and what journey they have been on

At Godrevy I can see the very rocks they once
originated from - huge, solid masses of dark
grey rock deeply embedded and smothered in
the white quartz

I bring a few of the best pebbles home with me
- they remind me of bright salty windswept
days spent "treasure hunting", collecting
pebbles, bits of seaweed and shells

Layers of silver netting, hand made paper, printed words and a little sketch of a pebble on tissue paper

A black and white photocopy of a column of pebbles transferred to fabric using white household emulsion paint. The image was reversed at the copying stage

Playing with image transfer - I used a card I bought of a painting by Derek Jenkins called "Five Up". I enlarged the image and transferred it to white cotton fabric using Dylon Image Maker then played with the arrangement, re-arranging the pebbles (some of which are reversed from the original) into a new column

Have a good creative week

Carolyn ♥


Pom Pom said...

Your sketch book looks so perfect! This is simply incredible.


Thank you Pom Pom x

Chris Gray said...

..that sketchbook is going to be a real treasure!...

Deborah said...

What a beautiful and inspiring sketchbook!

Joei Rhode Island said...

Love the tissue overlays to reveal but not completely the words below. Opposites of stones...very nice Carolyn.

JP said...

this is just getting better and better


Thank you all so much for your kind comments

Carolyn ♥

mano said...

What a wonderful post! I love the pebbles, the different papers, the sketch and your "treasure hunting". I also bought a card of a pebbles-painting by Derek Jenkins in 1996 and I kept it until now!
And I am very glad that you follow my blog. Thank you so much.

Sharne Gregory said...

I love those pebbles too, I am hoping to find some when I go to Cornwall for my Summer Holiday. I even bought some wrapping paper with those pebbles on last time I was on holiday thaere several years ago. I just can't bring myself to use it though. I just love the book you are doing.

Jacky said...

I love your pebbles...the beautiful blue/gray colours and the white quartz...I wish I lived near that beach so I could go for a stroll and find some too.

Loving your journal.

Jacky xox

Connie Akers said...

I LOVE pebbles and your sketchbook is lovely. I collect "holey" river rocks here in Texas and my daughter even does jewelry with rocks (ashley akers on etsy). Enjoying your blog.