"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Saturday, 12 February 2011

a gallery of green

Today I am embracing the colour green with a few pebble/round shaped samples from my sketchbook seaweed elements of my art quilt and remembering a summer day when everything that caught my eye was green

I love playing and sampling ... such fun!

the first few samples were inspired by sliced nougat

loving all those round pebble shapes
looking at those wonderful lines and textures
noticing the many tones of brown in the walnuts
being seduced by that lovely lime green angelica

yes ... there is inspiration to be found in everything!

playing with my paints
mixing copper, gold and sap green to recreate the tones

and using fabrics from my stash to play with pebble shapes

a simple and fun example of reverse applique

I used a synthetic kunin felt for the background. On top of that I layered an animal print fabric and then a soft lime and green fabric on top. I used my sewing machine to stitch some pebble shapes and then carefully cut through the green fabric to reveal the animal print fabric below

after cutting out the pebble shapes
I top stitched over the edges to secure fraying

and stitched round some of the green shapes too

to complement ... I cut some round shapes from paper
and stitched to the felt through brown sequins

I painted some textured paper with copper and sap green and used the pebble shapes I cut from the green fabric, arranging them into a pebble column which I then stitched to the paper with black thread and free motion stitch

fun little samples looking at shape and tones of colour

These are a few details from the bottom of my St. Ives quilt. The background is silk that I dyed variegated shades of green dark through lime and yellow greens

I had loads of fun embellishing the sea bottom with real shells, beads, textured threads that fanned out like seaweed, melted plastic carrier bags, melted textured chiffon fabrics and tiny hand stitches

the finished edge of my quilt folded over
with seaweed and coral elements

long lengths of frayed silk knotted for texture

and my quilt features pieces of real seaweed
couched to the silk with beads added

real seaweed (lettuce variety) on the left

and then, inevitably, I get the urge to create a mosaic
featuring beautiful photos from my friends on flickr

(hope you like it Jackie)

1. I dream in chordaria 2. Ghost flower
3. Seaweed Tolsta Beach, Isle of Lewis
4. River deep Mixed Media Collage

the rest of these photos are from a summer day
walking on Porthminster beach

green seaweed, barnacles and mossy rocks

a tangle of flotsam and jetsam

green string and weed in a rock pool

green layers of rock decorated with moss

a type of bladderwrack growing on the rocks
beneath Pedn Olva Hotel

seaweed branching


a green crab ... still alive

green rocks

more research:
The Natural History Museum:
Identifying British Seaweeds

hope you enjoyed the gallery of green
have a great weekend and week ahead


*jean* said...

gorgeous!! i love how you do green!!!! your quilt with the seaweed is inspirational and i would love to see it in person...your photos are top notch too..what a lovely post, carolyn!

Sea said...

The quilt is simply gorgeous :)

mano said...

wonderful green elements in your work! I love your quilt very much!

Dawn S. said...

Your work is amazing! I love how you are inspired by all the little things around you. Kudos!

Deborah said...

So lovely! Your quilt is spectacular!


Thank you x

Iz said...

Very inspirational - and thank you for the seaweed link for the Natural History Museum!

ShabbyChicShaz said...

Your quilt is superb, I love how you have interpreted the seaweed and the shoreline :)

Julie said...

Lovely to see the details of your St Ives quilt Carolyn. Loved today's post :-)

vilterietje said...

i sing a song of joy for you: green, goreous green, my favourit colour and displayed in the most wonderful way:)

Shani said...

thank you so much for sharing your inspiration. I am in a very green mode myself at the moment.
I love what you have done with the textures and fabric. Very inspiring...
Best wishes Shani

Shoshi said...

Love your new green things, Carolyn! So pretty, subtle colour, beautiful as always!

I'm finding your new font a bit difficult to read I'm afraid...


Shoshi - thank you for mentioning about the font. I like this font called "crafty girls" but I'm not sure about either so I will change it to something a little easier to read

Thank you for all the great comments. I am glad green is bringing you some cheer

Carolyn x


That's better! This one is called "Merriweather" and is much easier to read than the last one. I've also slightly darkened the dark grey font. Yes ... I am happy with it now!


Julie Shackson said...

Lovely post with wonderful images!

Lynn Cohen said...

I loved the nouguat!!! Wanted a bite!
Love the seaweed fabric piece with shells.
Having difficulty reading on the new gray background, arty but hard to read.

Lisa said...

what an amazing post...i cannot believe the green crab..i adore the green shades you've shown today.. and your quilt is both fascinating and utterly scrumptious..such delicate and perfect details!

Anonymous said...

My favourite colour. Glorious pictures, thank you.

ArtPropelled said...

Lady-leopard-birds! Or leopard skinned lady birds? Whatever... they make me grin!

Anonymous said...

Love the green and the colours you used with it. The reverse applique looks wonderful and the St Ives quilt is so beautiful. All the photos are stunning and inspiring as always.Each of your posts gets more perfect!

Cathie said...

And to think that green is NOT one of your favorite colors. I find myself "green" with envy over your ability to create such lovely images with both word and picture.

Barb Cady said...

So so so beautiful, I really love your work. This is an amazing blog and really uplifted me this Monday morning!

Jackie said...

Carolyn I love it! I also love all your other pictures and your samples. You are an inspiration.
Thank you.

carolyn said...

What delicious (and inspiring!) textures in all of this!

Ruth said...

I always love to see what you're doing in your sketchbook!

Sandies' Patch said...

Loved it!Could almost feel the sand in my toes!

Sandie xx

JP said...

so loved thee seaweed real and textile - i love seaweed but Jeff gets reallty annoyed when I sneak bits back into the car! - can't think why?!!!!

Julia said...

Loving the rich greens in your work Carolyn, and I really liked how you took inspiration from that bar of nougat, your studies turned out fabulous!
Thanks also for the pics of the sealife and the rock pools, that clear water made me yearn for sunny days by the sea!

Love Julia x

Anonymous said...

Lovley Carolyn I LIKE IT...........

Anonymous said...

AND LOVE IT..........

Sharne Gregory said...

I loved your St Ives quilt when I saw it at the Festival of Quilts, so much detail. That noughat looks very tasty.

ELFI said...

très belle inspiration de la nature..

The fabric of my life said...

Really stunning Carolyn :-)

Jacky said...

I have a soft spot for green ....so loooove this post, especially the St. Ives quilt. That lettuce seaweed is wonderful.
Yum!!! I love nougat and now you have me craving some.

Jacky xox

Char said...

Green has always been my favorite color and I don't know why. When I saw your collection (especially the crab), I felt a light in my heart like I did as a little girl, coveting all things green... Thank you for that joy! (I love all that you share here--inspiration... pure inspiration. Thank you!

~ Phyllis ~ said...

Oh Carolyn, such beautiful greens. I have never seen a green crab before. He is such a pretty creature. Thoroughly enjoyed my green visit.♡♡♡♡

Exchange server 2010 said...

Wow! Amazing photos!

jo said...

Magnifiques tes essais textiles et le regard que tu portes autour de toi ( photos) !J'aime beaucoup!