"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Thursday, 9 August 2012

catching dreams

catching dreams

Things I love Thursday

fine art, embroidery, textile design
oysters, pearls and blue mussel shells

this is a mosaic I curated from the very fine work of some of my flickr friends and faves.
I hope you may follow the links to see more beautiful work from these artists

1. 22 2. kaptilo al la okulo 3. 23 4. insulators1 5. oyster shell 6. oyster shells 7. shared inspiration 8. Untitled 9. Untitled 10. 8 11. untitled 12. bagpiper 13. Untitled 14. pearls 15. a pocket 16. steenmerz

catching dreams
catching up
taking small dolly steps ...

It's been far too long since I shared anything on either of my blogs but today I took those first few little steps towards getting back to things. I want it to be the start of something

There is some catching up to do, naturally, but I'm far more focused on what I want to achieve than I have been in a long while. Taking some time out really helped me to find my direction again

The inspiration never left me ... but I did ponder the big picture and where it was all going. I've been trying to find that elusive balance of time and what can actually be achieved alongside other things that are very valuable to me. It felt right to spend a lot less time on the computer and more time surrounding myself with beauty and simply being ... simply doing

thank you so much for visiting ♥


Pom Pom said...

Hello dear Carolyn! I'm very happy to see you!
Yes, time away can be so restorative. I never doubt your special eye for the elegant and pleasing beauty around us.

Flotsam said...

If only it were possible to bottle time and keep it. I too find the hours go by far too quickly until I realise I have not found time to enjoy the important things in life. It is good to see you back; albeit for a brief time (I don't want you tapping away on the computer too much)! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Carolyn. I was so excited when I saw there was a new post from you. You have such a wonderful way of capturing all the natural beauty around us and sharing it with us all. Time is very precious, as you say. Enjoy the coming Autumn. Lovely to see your post!

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Carolyn, it is wonderful to see you back in circulation BUT don't get sucked in to webland again. I know just how you feel and why you withdrew, it is so easy to lose sight of what we really want to work on and see. I am trying to find a balance myself. Time management is the way I think hah !
Love Lynn xx

Carol Rigby said...

Hi Carolyn, I too was excited to see a new post from you .Great to have you back!

Julie said...

Lovely look to your blog and it's good to see you here again but as has been said, don't get pulled back in to feeling obliged. xxx

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Hi Carolyn - your blog is looking good! Like the header and background. What a lovely day we've had and more sun tomorrow hopefully! x

Indianna said...

Another inspiring mosaic. Pleased to see you are back and little steps are the best.

Deborah Younglao, Silk Painter said...

Everything takes on different levels of importance at different times. It's a struggle deciding to let something go in order to tend to something else, but it has to be done! Welcome back

Catharina Maria said...

I love tosee something from you !
It's a beautiful mosaïc !
Love ♥RINI♥

Karen Larko said...

Lovely mosaic as always! I'm happy to see you too!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Very happy to see you back, but I understand the need for some time off. Glad you felt it was worthwhile.

ArtPropelled said...

Hi Carolyn, glad you are feeling focused again. It's so easy to get carried away on the web. I also have to take time out every now and then to find that important balance.

Unknown said...

what lovely thoughts, getting the balance right in life is so important isn't it??

AliceAndFlorence said...

I so admire your honesty. Everyone needs time just to sit back and take stock of how things are. Sometimes I feel torn between time making, and creating, verses time sat at the computer, and the rest of life ! That said I think both your blogs and your work are beautiful. The pictures, design , your thoughts and ideas, are so fresh. I always look forward to reading them!

Karen Barlow said...

Hi Carolyn, thank you for your comment on my blog, it's always nice to know people are enjoying reading it. Your work is beautiful and you must feel constantly inspired, living in St Ives by the sea, a place very special to me also. Looking forward to continuing to read your blog and seeing your next projects come to life.

Kim Henkel Creations said...

So much inspiration! Thank you for sharing it here. I am off to explore some of the links, and of course will be back to visit another day.

Amelia said...

lovely curated images you've shared, must have a look. And yes, I completely get what you mean about computer time. Sometimes I just want to go out there and immerse myself in nature and creativity :)


Atelier Kijken met Andere Ogen said...

Dag Carolyne. wat prachtig werk en wat een inspiratie. Dit is ook precies wat ik voel en weer wil geven in mijn werk. Ik heb ook last van de computer, het haalt me bij mijn kern weg, bij wie ik wezenlijk ben. Alles is met elkaar verbonden ook de mensen de planten en de dieren. Van daar uit ont-staat de veelzijdigheid in ons werk en ook de verschillende diciplines en materialen Het is ook de verbinding met de aarde, het water, het vuur en de luchten. Het geeft me een geluksgevoel als ik uw blog lees en op me laat inwerken.
Warme groet
en Vier het leven.
Day Carolyne. What beautiful work and what an inspiration. This is exactly what I feel and want to give back in my work. I have also suffered from the computer, it takes me to my core road, at who I truly am. Everything is connected also the people the plants and the animals. From there the versatility ont State in our work and also the different disciplines and materials it is also the connection with the Earth, the water, the fire and the skies. It gives me a feeling of happiness when I read your blog and let me interact.
Warm greeting and four life.
Heike Michel http://wwwateliervoorhelendekunst.blogspot.com

Day Carolyne. What beautiful work and what an inspiration. This is exactly what I feel and want to give back in my work. I have also suffered from the computer, it takes me to my core road, at who I truly am. Everything is connected also the people the plants and the animals. From there the versatility ont State in our work and also the different disciplines and materials it is also the connection with the Earth, the water, the fire and the skies. It gives me a feeling of happiness when I read your blog and let me interact.
Warm greeting and four life. Syta

Unknown said...

I have enjoyed a lot of your stunning work to day. I work with artquilt. Your work speeks to me. You are so inspiering. Thanks for letting me see it. I will follow you here ... and there.
greetings from Randi Eggen from Trondheim, Norway

Unknown said...

I have enjoyed a lot of your work to day. It is stunning. It speaks directly to me. I am an artquilter at my sparetime.
I will follow you - I lool forward to enjoy it. Thanks . Greetings Randi Eggen, Trondheim, Norway