"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Monday, 20 April 2015

mosaic monday

a misty one to start off the week ...
I often wonder what we would do if we didn't have the weather to discuss
thankfully, those easterly winds have died down now and yesterday was quite pleasant but chilly

I hope you all had a good weekend

mine was a quiet one ... sewing curtains for my bedroom
and organising my various projects and the ever growing pile of samples for sketchbooks
I hope to find time this week to have a "sticking in" session
quite soon ... I will have some very inspiring Cornish designs to share with you from the
collaboration between Falmouth University Textile Design students and Liberty Interiors
I will be updating the St. Ives Textiles website a bit later on today and
I will have new seaside hearts which I will share on my page this afternoon
have a good week ahead and many thanks always for visiting ♥


Dotty said...

Lovely pictures. The weather certainly gives us plenty to comment on. Beautifully sunny here today & I feel like playing truant to make the most of it!! Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Lovely misty views. xox

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Beautiful mosaic - esp. love the misty foggy one.

Sandies' Patch said...

Lovely mosaic this week. Often folks don't show pics of the mist/fog but, these are great!

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Hope your injury heals soon, Carolyn!

Thanks for featuring the Falmouth Uni/Porthmeor Studios/Liberty fabric design entries. What talent, I love them all and have been kicking myself for not getting along to see the work, so your post makes up for it.

Lesley x