"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Monday, 31 August 2015


what a month!
August turned out to be the busiest month of my year so far
the month started with a family holiday ... my family staying with me for a few days
we had lots of childish fun playing everything from charades to Cluedo
baked cookies, spent time in St. Ives and went beachcombing on the rocks
I helped my nephew make a crystal snowflake
and together we made a memory jar from the beach finds
which he calls his "summer beach star jar"
as usual I took a great many photos of colour on the beach
colours from the beach often inspire my work and hand made beads
below ... colours in seaweed
(macro photography)
just a few days later I attended Festival of Quilts 2015 at Birmingham
with my own entry inspired by watching the dark skies over the bay
"watching the dark sky"
I enjoyed making this abstract piece which is 50 x 134 cm
the background is hand painted cotton
and I used a variety of materials including my melted fabrics,
pieces of knitting and felt, silver paper, metallic fabrics and pieces of carpet!

pieces of silk were hand dyed or painted and I incorporated a section
at the bottom using the technique of reverse applique with french knots and beads
I was very pleased with the colours and the choice of materials
and especially like the reverse applique "rocks" which have since inspired some stitched pebbles

small rocks at low tide inspired the colours and shapes

however, the quilting needs more attention ... ie. it needs more quilting and stitching
(it was very hard to pull it through my sewing machine when I wasn't well)
but I didn't worry about that when I sent it up to Festival
I have a whole year to play with it before it goes on show again in 2016
this is what the whole panel looks like ...
"watching the dark sky"
I had a wonderful time at Festival of Quilts
my friend Margaret and I stayed at The Hilton for a couple of nights
and we had lots of time to meet up with many other stitching and textile friends
spent a fortune and, as you can imagine, took hundreds of photographs
I will share some of the wonderful quilts in a separate post
but here are just a couple of my most favourite art quilts
above - the work of Sandra Meech in response to the flooding of the Somerset Levels
above and below - the work of Genevieve Attinger - called  "La Rumeur"
part of the "Through our Hands" exhibition
which was my most favourite part of the show
it was while I was at Festival of Quilts I started to feel very unwell
(only in hindsight did I realise that I may have been ill for longer)
and I've since been diagnosed with quite a rare auto immune illness
which I'm having to learn about and come to terms with
so ... lots of medication and the need to rest
means I can't put in the long hours I am used to doing
I've had to take a bit of time out from the internet
because it was making me feel very tired and aggravated symptoms
(that's why I haven't been around quite so much recently)
but, actually, it was nice to step back and have more time to sew and make beads
I had my Mum and sister down to stay last weekend
and I managed a short walk out to the post office with them
it was nice to spend time down in the harbour
and just a few days ago ... I had a lovely day in Truro with friend Jo
we went to see "The Mousetrap" at Hall For Cornwall
meanwhile ...
I've also been working a bit on my pieces for St. Ives Textiles
we have our show in just under two weeks time
as part of St. Ives September Festival
12-19 September 2015
at Porthmeor Studios, Back Road West, St. Ives

samples and gatherings
card making

and sun printing

well ... I think that's all as we see August out
except to say I will be updating my etsy shop on Saturday 5 September
I will have some of my newest hearts and beads for sale
so please pop by if you are interested
thank you for reading today ♥


kerosene said...

Always so lovely.
Thanks for sharing.
♡ ~k

Andy Lloyd Williams said...

Very good to see your name in the Bloglovin' list again and to read your delightful "post". Thank you very much. Do hope the medication kicks in fast and that you will soon be feeling very well again.

Julie said...

Your blogpost is beautiful as ever. I am looking forward to seeing the exhibition. I think I will have to call in more than once. :-) I'm glad you've managed to get out and about a bit. xxx

TwinkleToes2day said...

Dearest Carolyn, what a joy to see you pop up in my email :D I enjoyed seeing your seaweed photos; the white one is amazingly so, and the macro one so interesting.
Your 'watching the dark sky' quilt is stunning!! I envy those that saw and will see it irl and also, I think your show pieces are superb.
I'm gutted for you that you have become ill, I do hope the medication has quick and positive effects. Take care, rest lots, play more. Love and hugs xoxo

DILOU said...

Bonjour, je suis Dilou91 (Odile), une française de la région de Paris, je vous suis depuis un petit moment et j'apprécie beaucoup vos créations. Je suis désolée d'apprendre que vous êtes souffrante et je voulais juste dire que e pensais bien à vs.

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Hi Carolyn! It sounds like a lovely time! I'm a new follower and I could peruse your dreamy blog all day! Congratulations regarding the textile show!


Indianna said...

Everything is beautiful here Carolyn. Hope the medication works and that you'll be shining like a star again soon. We will be down to see the exhibition too x

Anonymous said...

Quite honestly dear Carolyn, your blog is the only one I follow. Your stunning creativity astonishes me always, such beauty for my heart and soul. The way you combine fabrics, stitching, beads, and even words...I adore it all. Your spectacular photography, all that you do. I also enjoyed the window into the fiberart world which you share here, marvelous to see. I am so terribly sad for your misfortune with health, I will continue to believe in your ability to survive and shine.
with love and all the best wishes,
Susan T.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So many incredible images to drool over in your post, but I am so very sorry to hear that you have some sort of miserable disease that is making you feel bad. I sincerely hope that something can be done to help you feel better and that you'll soon be back to your old self. In the meantime, take care of you.

BumbleVee said...

The beads are lovely...

HollyM said...

I've just discovered your website and I live your work. Your methods of recording and working through your pieces that usually represent the natural world are similar to how I work. Of course our pieces are very different. I live your use of mixed media.
And your beads, wow! Have you ever given a tutorial? If be very interested if so.