"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

art focus

following on from the exhibition ...

I've been working away in the background in a quiet, thoughtful, way
aware that I haven't posted here in a while

between the exhibition in September and December I had another bout of illness
the dreaded cough/cold and chest infection thingy that seems to be doing the rounds
this developed after having my flu/pneumonia jabs in October because I'm asthmatic

I had a short spell when I was ok and managed to do "Stitch St. Ives" in November
but with a burst blood vessel in my eye (which felt very weird)

during that time I kept up with stuff for St. Ives Textiles, had a week in Somerset
 and did an indigo dye workshop at The Exchange Gallery in Penzance
...  then was exhausted for most of December

January was a busy month ... just catching up with "life"
I worked on a project full time with my hubby renovating our cottage in St. Ives
and I seem to be doing ok so far this year apart from the asthma
(which is always worse this time of year)

these days I  have  to pace ... and I'm learning to go slower
learning to sleep better and take care of myself
and not beat myself up if I don't get everything done every day
so I think it's ok to dip in and out of my blog

better to pause and take a break than to stop altogether ...

so ... now ... the time seems right to share some catch up posts
and some of the other things I mentioned I would share in the last few rambles

I am focused once again on new work and new projects with St. Ives Textiles

the group has a Cornwall theme this year for exhibition in September
and I'm creating landscapes, seascapes and vessels with beach finds;
mussels, shells, barnacles, seaweed, pottery pieces, fragments of cloth
and other unusual / rarer discoveries like vintage bisque doll's arms

I continue to experiment with the various materials I love to work with
and have been developing my art practice working in sketchbooks, collages and mosaics

art is a great therapy for me and I never tire of pursuing my favourite themes in different media

colour texture and inspiration found in nature

studio gatherings and art that inspires

in April I will, once again, be at "Stitch St. Ives" with my textured textiles

today, 1st February, I began a new weekly surface design collaboration with my sister Evelyn
working through the exercises in the book "Surface Treatment Workshop"
this week it's stamping ... which is really, in my opinion, a basic form of printing

these are a few of my first prints

I have more prints which I'm still working into ... adding layers of print
so will write more about this in the next post and share some of the processes I used

these are my main points of art focus this year
as I have chosen also to concentrate more on personal projects during 2017
but I will also share some of the things I have missed over the past few months
and give thanks to all my blog friends for the kindness shown to me

thank you for reading x