"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Friday, 1 January 2021

January blobs of yellow

Hello, well here we are 2021 and it's good to be back here posting again.  

Today is about making a fresh start and finding I needed a refresher in both photo processing and website editing.  After a lengthy absence, so much has changed on my website platform.  I'm not sure that I'm able to update the layout very much now, for fear of disturbing what is already there, but I'm happy with the overall look of it so I shall be content to "tweak" and post.  At least it seems familiar and will help me to ease back into work again.

I'm looking forward to sharing new work in the making, new ideas and new ways of recording.  I'm also looking forward to sharing work from the past couple of years when I was working privately, just making art as and when I needed to.  There is still a lot to sort out and process.  It's been a long journey of healing and processing. So I'm not too sure yet in what manner it will all come tumbling out ...

So, there has to be a beginning and I don't know about about you but I really needed some blobs of yellow for cheer today.  It's very cold here in this part of Cornwall, much of the rest of the country has had snow.  I'm glad to not have snow at the moment.  I have had no heating or hot water since 19 December.  Talk about bad timing.  Funny how you acclimatize slowly ... and I'm coping, till I get a new boiler next week, by spending more time hibernating under my electric blanket.  It's utter bliss right now!

with best wishes to you all x