I'm cosy indoors by the window looking through raindrops and I've had a lovely time going through photos, coming across work I had forgotten about. At the moment, most of my art materials, fabrics, paints, sketchbooks and samples have been packed away in storage containers for over a year. This house moving lark has been a long haul and I am going to be very excited to get it all out again. No dates yet but soon - I hope!
I will have so many art projects and little works in progress to revisit. So today I thought I would share some of the inspiration I find from my part of Cornwall, where I get my colours from and what inspires my textures. I hope you may enjoy a few photos …
The last few photos are of recent textile work. I've been enjoying working these very small hand stitched barnacles which I use with real shells, beads and little stitches on silk. It's nice to be working on new things and I have more new work on my table which I hope to share soon. Thank you for visiting me today.