I was hoping to have this finished by today but the machine quilting is slow going and taking longer than I thought it would, mainly because I keep getting distracted with other things, like painting background pages in my sketchbook, but I'm getting there ...
Easily distracted ...

Lovely blobs - paint, glimmer mist, distress ink and glitter

There I go again!
In this section I extended the palm trunks from the photograph into palms with leaf patterns

I'm also being held back a little by the thread I'm using in the bobbin. I think it must be a little old because every now and then it snaps. Maybe it's got a bit thin in places. Trouble is, being khaki green, it's the best match I have for my backing fabric. I suppose I must have machined three quarters of it by now using the variegated green thread called "foliage" on the top
The rest of it needs to be stitched in shades of orangey yellow

So I'd better stop nattering with you and go and get back to quilting and hand stitching ...
Your machine embroidery looks wonderful and so enhances the quilt subject. I know how slow quilting/free machining can be having done a workshop today and had my thread break innumerable times! And the needle fell out several times! Grr! I love all the leaf shapes you've drawn and the extended palm trees.
Your painted pages look great fun no wonder you kept getting distracted.
Hope you're not cooking down there by the sea ;-)
I, too, am enchanted by the leaf shapes and how they fit into your theme.
Oh, but isn't it easy to get distracted! =-)
So far it looks amazing. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.
Only YOU could make a "lovely" blob! Your machine quilting is wonderful. YOU are amazing!
I'm fascinated by your theme and your sketch book is a work of art, too!
Dear Carolyn,
Your work is fantastic and I really enjoy looking at all your pictures and sketchbooks. you are amazing and inspiring. Thankyou so much, Carol.
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