This postcard of a vessel by Svend Bayer inspired one or two experiments with colour run and spatter

I used acrylics, oil pastels and distress ink in walnut. I think this worked because the walnut ink really soaked into the paper altering the texture

The paper at the bottom was saturated and creased into interesting textures which I left to dry

This one is oil pastel and walnut distress ink

Who doesn't like getting down dirty and playing with spatter occasionally? I was just looking for interesting round and pebble shapes

I got a few interesting textures in the build up of the acrylics
I'm easily pleased!

Pages playing with textured wallpaper
Left - Silver foil ironed onto textured wallpaper with raised pebble shapes. If you try this at home - I covered the silver foil with baking parchment paper to protect the surface of my iron from the melting silver
Right - Silver metallic oil pastels rubbed over textured wallpaper

Wax, acrylics and a little distress ink

Be playful this weekend
Carolyn ♥
Hi, Carolyn,
your are a great inspiration.
A wonderful weekend.
I love seeing other peoples sketchbook playings....especially inspiring because we all work with different colour palettes and it gives me new ideas ..i love the ironing foil over textured wallpaper ........Lorna
Love the piece inspired by the pot, you're so good with your samples. It's amazing how much depth there is in a pebble or rock but I dispair of trying to recreate it on paper. I should just give it a go I guess. Much more freeing to go for a bit of splatter! Thanks for sharing your sketchbook.
Oh Carolyn, this looks like so much fun! I especially like the spatters and the silver foil over wallpaper. Your visual journal is amazing. Hope you weekend is filled with joy ;)
Love the background of your blog and the silver foil on textured wallpaper. It is good to see your sketch book. I was planning on printing on some silk this weekend but you have given me some more ideas; thank you.
Off to play now - you have inspired me!
What fun! These are lovely with such fabulous texture. I have to play with my sketch book more....your *are* an inspiration!
I love your sketchbook. Its a real work of art in itself! I love the splatter patterns and the last 2 pictures are gorgeous. Isn't it fun to play and make a mess! Just like going back to playgroup days. Have a playful weekend.
These textures are fantastic! I am truly inspired....
lovely lovely work!
beautiful! I esp. like the saturated/folded walnut-stained edge
carolyn these experiments really work - I love the wallpaper and foil idea - clever you
Great experiments Carolyn. Now, where's my walnut ink?
I love your experiments - they are so inspiring!
Any glimpse into your art journal is priceless! Thank you! Beautiful!
Gorgeous work Carolyn!!!
I love your wunderful inspirations, thank you for sharing them with us.
I love this arty play...the textures are amazing!
Jacky xox
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