"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

winter moons


vilterietje said...

thanks, i realy enjoyed it! love, riet:)

Sea Angels said...

This is really exquisite
Lynn xxx

JP said...

love the mosaic - really cool

Sandies' Patch said...

Oh so beautiful!
Happy Winter Solstace!

Sandie xx

mo said...

Hi Carolyn, I finally found you :-)

I am your newest follower. Your blog is beautiful and I am so happy you like my snowman. *hugs*

Jill said...

Leaped from the bed (artist license) to view the blood red moon this morning, but soon realised it was too cloudy and too built up to view it here. But your beautifully selected pictures are some compensation.

Nancy K. said...

Your work is BREATH-TAKING!
I'm so glad that I found your blog.

mano said...
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mano said...

wonderful colour tone mosaic in deep blue! I love the bird paintings of ps pics very much!

jo mcintosh said...

Love the Solstice mosaic.

Have a great time!

Jensters said...

Beautiful solstice mosaic.

Anonymous said...

Quite wonderful mosaic. Nice to think the nights are pupping out now!

threadstar said...

beautiful! you still have the prettiest blogs ever...Wishing you and yours a lovely holiday season...xx..miki

Martine said...

Carolyn your winter solstice mosaic is more then beautiful.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Beautiful! I love blue and every one of the pieces in your mosaic are so very pretty. Merry Christmas!!

Catharina Maria said...

Carolyn , the mosaic is BEAUTIFUL .
Love ♥RINI♥

sharon young said...

As usual lots of lovely inspirational things to look at, Carolyn. Thanks so much for dropping in on my blog and leaving your comment, it was much appreciated.

Silke Scheller said...

Dear Carolyn
nice to have you on my blog! How did you find me?
Your blog is very beautiful. I think I`ll often visit you!
Have a good time,