"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Saturday, 24 January 2015

seascapes and landscapes

I always find that January tends to be about getting back into the swing of things again
and slowly I am managing to get into a rhythm
balancing work with home stuff
I missed last week's Saturday posting because I was in bed with flu
(most likely caught on that foggy day out in St. Just - see last post)
... this week has been about getting going again
whilst also being kind to myself and trying to take my own advice (!)
to stay home, rest and keep warm

I watched the weather from the bedroom window
(quite happy not to venture out for a week or so)
we had a few storms ...

followed by a few rainbows ...
I pottered ...
I worked on my journal here
I posted my art tags here
I got my facebook page going again here
and I now have dates for "The Crow Show"
an exhibition of autumn inspired mixed media textiles
with friend and textile artist Jo McIntosh
31 October - 15 November 2015
at St. Ives Arts Club
it would be great to see you if you can make it to the show ♥
yesterday I went "walkies" for the first time in a couple of weeks
I went over to the beach at Godrevy ... a favourite place of mine
I took a series of photos with the intention of playing with colour, texture and focus techniques


I photographed this surfer with his board ... walking on the sand

and really revelled in the "just being there"
it's always so beautifully peaceful and inspiring over at Godrevy

back to textiles ...
I made a start on some autumn inspired pieces for "The Crow Show"
these are part of a series of six small landscape pieces inspired by allotments

layering fabrics, papers, plastics and paint
machine stitching, hand stitching and gilding

these pieces are still a work in progress
I'm working on all six at the same time

as usual ... my favourite French knot stitches feature

I hope to share all six finished "allotments" next week perhaps

I'm quite happy to post a tutorial on these little mixed media collages
should anyone be interested in the technique of building up layers in textiles
just let me know by leaving a comment if this might be of interest to you
with best wishes for a happy weekend ♥


Anonymous said...

So glad that you are back to blogging again and your lovely creating. Look forward to your further entries and if you decide to post a tutorial, thank you very much! best wishes Sheila

chrissie said...

Beautiful artwork

So pleased you are beginning to feel a lot better

Love Chrissie

https://tastytextiles.blogspot.com/ said...

Wow what a fantastic post - so much content. I'll put the for the Crow Show in my diary and hopefully I'll make in down to visit

Penny said...

would love a tutorial, glad you are feeling better, lovely beach photos.

TwinkleToes2day said...

Fabulous photos Carolyn. I'm amazed at the effect playing with the colour and focus created. The rocks in the first one particularly look rusted, the water like gravel and the sky alive with a wild storm; leaving the whole photo seeming to be very vintage indeed.
Your allotment inspired pieces are so very fabulous. If I could sew I would say yes please to a tutorial.
I hope you continue to feel better. ((hugs))) xo

Chyfey said...

It is such a joy to be reading your blog again,you have such a great style with your photos.
And I would also love a tut on how you are making your pieces.

K J D said...

Lovely lovely lovely :)

What gorgeous photographs....the birds on the wire, the people on the beach,the surfer.

I remember Godrevy beach as being one of our favourites when we holidayed at Hayle. Wonderful reminder, thank you!

The mixed media collages are something I can't every imagine be able to make.... but I would LOVE to see how you did them.

Karen xxx

Pat said...

The surfer picture is so good. Love it. An allotment that grows emeralds, now there's a thought.

Sandies' Patch said...

What better way is there than to spend time creating your art? xxx

Catharina Maria said...

Beautiful Colors and yes I wil learn and see more !
Love Rini

Anonymous said...

I'm sure walkies helped to lighten your fuzzy head from the flu. Lovely photos of the beach. Your filters are marvelous. Love that surfer one especially. Nice work in progress. xox

Carol Rigby said...

Oh!! Yes!!! Carolyn. A tutorial would be great. These pieces are beautiful and what an interesting idea using allotments for inspiration.
I love your photos and what you have done to them. Especially the effect of making them look well..... like a real photograph with the white edging.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Glad you're feeling better and are back to creating and taking your wonderful photographs to share with us. As for a tutorial - yes, please.

Jean Lennon said...

Would love to see how you did this I do a bit but are more inclined to straight embroidery.Right now Im using the book Threadwork with its complex stitching

Shroo said...

Just want you to know that I find your work so INCREDIBLY beautiful - it's addictive, as is your blog. I keep coming back to drool. TOTALLY a fan! Hugs from Shroo:)xx