"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Surface Treatment Workshop - week 4

this week's samples for The Surface Treatment Workshop
are the results of experiments with masking tape

many of the suggestions included using the tape as a resist for mark making
by painting over the tape and peeling it off again, sometimes several times to create layers
however, I was not enamoured with the technique suggestions for this week's samples
and, for this, I will blame my tools ... I think!

my masking tape was so tacky that once it was adhered to my mount board bases
I just couldn't get the stuff off again ...

so my samples are mainly where I have used the tape to create texture
and I'm pleased with the results here ... but did not tick the boxes (naughty me!)

these are small seascapes on mount board
where I have used the masking tape, then painted over the top with acrylics
I used a palette knife and then heated the acrylics for extra texture

I do like the texture created here ... and will use again

above and below
this sample is masking tape with paint applied thickly all over
to show that the tape and the background take paint differently
(I used paynes grey over burnt umber)

this was where I removed some of the paint with a rag

below ... I made a mini landscape / seascape collage
with some of the bits of masking tape I managed to peel off of one of my samples
I ruined the original sample ... but at least the little peely bits were not wasted

you can see the scale of the "mini" against my palette knife
 this one was a bit more interesting

I used oil pastels which I blended with a rag
the oil pastels accentuated the edges of the tape

I was pleased with the blending ...
and the lighting achieved with the pastels

I created a sort of "horizon line" by scratching through the oil pastels
and it became an unintentional

this one is masking tape and watered down acrylics in turquoise with a little gold
again it picked up and accentuated the edges of the tape

I blamed the tape but, on reflection, it may have worked better on different surfaces
however I won't get time to play with this any more this week

instead, I will look forward to week 5 which is playing with crackle paste
(I've just ordered some new golden medium crackle paste and can't wait for it to arrive!)


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

LOVE this idea!!!! SO Interesting.

chrissie said...

Amazing textures and colours and it looks like you mastered the technique so well

Love Chrissie xx

Evelyn said...

Great samples!

Angie Willis said...

Love following your experiments with this book. I think I have it somewhere - must to and see if I can find it some time :-)

Julie said...

Lots of interest here and I love the landscape on your palette knife :-)


Oh yes Julie ... I've only just seen it! I will never wash it again! Perhaps I ought to frame it x

Carol Rigby said...

I have used masking tape as a resist in mark making but I much prefer your idea of using the actual tape for texture. These are great examples.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Interesting experiments and some great results. Re the masking tape not peeling off - perhaps using painter's tape might solve that? I've torn masking tape into little bits and applied them willy-nilly onto hard back books and then antiqued with some brown acrylic paint that I rubbed off whilst still wet. Then rubbed in some brown shoe polish. Ended up looking reminiscent of leather.

Anonymous said...

If you apply the masking tape on and off your trousers or skirt two or three times before using it, it takes some of the sticky off!

Catherine said...

Please may you fill me in as to what the surface decorating work shop book is about? Is it one you have written?
Thank you


Thanks so much everyone ... I am grateful for your lovely comments and kind suggestions regarding the tape, in particular Mary Anne and Mr/Mrs Anonymous. I am encouraged to have a further little play with the tacky stuff!

Catherine ... the book is called "The Surface Treatment Workshop" by Darlene Olivia McElroy and Sandra Duran Wilson. It contains approx. 48 workshop techhniques and ideas for 4 finished pieces using the techniques which fits nicely into a weekly project. Anyone can join me on the weekly challenge if they wish. Please let me know if any of you decide to have a go ... and let me know where I can see your samples!

Thank you everyone! x