The piece is part of my “Global Warming” series of work. It's a subject close to my heart and a theme I like to come back to every now again, to raise awareness in an approachable way

The background piece is very delicate hand made felt, made with Cornish fleece with fine wool tops and metallic fibres running through it. The holes are intentional. They represent the holes in our ozone layer which is the main cause of global warming
I have many ideas for further pieces that I want to make that explore holes and distress. I shall work on these next year for an exhibition I'm having. I will anounce details of the exhibition at a later date

The central stitched piece was made on a calico backing with layers and layers of fabrics such as silk, felt, cotton, metallic fabrics and heat distressed chiffons. I distressed the chiffons before stitching them to the base. I like the idea that the distressed fabrics symbolize the distressed state of our planet
I added some hand stitches - French knots, fly stitches and beads in groups here and there - really just where I felt like working in little groups

The colours are my representation of global warming
The red denotes solar energy, the sun, heat, the hot element of global warming that is melting the ice caps and causing distress to our planet

The white represents ice, the polar ice caps, melting ice, slush turning to water

The blue represents water, the consequence of melting ice , rising sea levels and the possible threat to all aspects of life on our planet
To go with the piece I made this card for Cathie fom hand made paper, dyed scrim, a Cornish mussel shell, a few french knots and a bead

As soon as I see this blue I think of St. Ives and then global warming
Fabric and beads from Cathie

For me, it all comes back to global warming ...
My global warming moo cards

Enjoy your Sunday
Carolyn ♥
Wow Carolyn your talented vision is astounding!
Beautiful expressive use of materials to explain global warming visually! And the mussel card sent me over the edge...I have always wanted to visit St. Ives and Cornwall.. will one day. The background colour is just how I imagine the sea...
Linda x
What beautiful thoughts and expressions, Carolyn!
Good things. Your art is a good thing. all of these.....
...and you'll enjoy working towards your expo...'ll bring things out that even you won't expect!...
x Chris
Love it Carolyn....a subject close to my own heart. I lived in Alaska for a brief while and am painfully aware of what the rising seas are doing to the ice and life. Your work is beautiful and thought provoking at the same time.
Beautiful and inspiring work Carolyn. :) xx
Oh Carolyn, I adore your piece of art and the theme too, so inspiring!
Wow! This is a great piece, and I like the symbolism too. The stitching adds wonderful dimension. Love it!
What a worthwhile topic, one that concerns me as well. Especially like the holes in your felt representing the holes in the ozone layer. Your Moo cards are fantastic.
This piece is awesome. I love your taste in colors. I wish that I could watch you work.
Carolyn - I am sorry to use your photo without permission. I would prefer to have permission and give it the credit due, as I love what you have done. I am not savvy as to how to go about this, but am willing to learn. If you still want me to delete your art, I will do so, otherwise, if you could send me the link, I will find out how to do this.
Carolyn this is just so beautiful - thank you for showing the close up details with feeling and reason.
Carolyn, this is exactly why i love your artwork so much~!~ not only is it rich in details but it is rich in MEANINGFUL details~!!!!!~
what a fabulous way for attention to be brought to this alarming and important issue~!~
What a beautiful piece - with an important message.
Your global warming piece is glorious!! SO evokative and meaningful!! THe whole situation has been on mind so much wiht Copenhagan happening!! Hard to believe that there are actually people out there who don't get all of this!!
Your work is amazing Carolyn, your location perfect> Can I come live there too???
Your Rock Pool hearts are amazing.
I will be back often!!!
Love Love Love this - gorgeous work!
great post
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