A little mosaic of my work/photos for Mosaic Monday - because I'm "digging" these colours at the mo!
1. St. Ives 2. Patterns in blue, 3. Beach streams 4. Postcard from St. Ives 5. Water - textured painting 6. Summer holidays
Thank you for all the lovely comments on the last post
You all made me smile :o)
Carolyn ♥
you're making want to come to St Ives for a holiday again .....you've captured the special light and colours in this mosaic....x
Thanks Lorna ... I'm really enjoying these bright colours at the moment
They are beautiful colours Carolyn and the mention of st ives makes me smile....not sure if ive told you but we are hopefully going again at the end of sept begin oct for another week....yah twice in one year....happy times xx
so very lovely ..i relish the blue ..the contrasts
I'm in love ;))
st ives looks lovely! and your mosaics are wonderful!
wonderful st. ives - wonderful pictures!
Beautiful Carolyn.... I am loving those colours too. I saw some lichen on my fence the other day and I thought of you!!!!
Beautiful colours, my favourites too as you know! xx
Love the 'airy' blue
Fantastic work, beautiful blog! Éva
I love the harbourside house with its fish beneath... and the colours are so beautifully vibrant. We visited St Ives once on a hot August day during a Cornish holiday, and it was everything I imagined it would be - and this encapsulates my memories of that day.
Hi Carolyn, Thank you so much for adding me... the sketchbook project should be great to follow as well as participate in.
How beautiful! Ah, St. Ives must be one of the most gorgeous places on earth. Your interpretations of it make ME smile.
Very nice Carolyn! Take care and have a nice day!!
Never been to St Ives, but if it looks like that, I'M THERE! Me totally digging the colours too. Hope your health worry is nothing serious Carolyn. Thinking of you.
great feeling!
Have just found your blog and had to say how lovely your work is. Really envy you living by the sea. What a wonderful source of inspiration for you. Brings back memories of our fab family holidays in Cornwall.
I love the colors, texture, & theme of your work...so relaxing!
All I can say is ... this is an absolutely beautiful post ... indigo is always one of my favorites.
Very best wishes,
These are just beautiful. I'm so glad to have found your blog, I get so excited when I see a post!
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