"I begin with an idea ... and then it becomes something else"
~ Picasso

Sunday, 8 April 2012

the erosion bundle project 2012

the Erosion Bundle Project is not officially running this year but,
as mentioned in my last post, my friend Julie and I
thought we would have a go on our own this year
and have both created bundles with a seaside/St. Ives theme

I thought I would share some "before" photos
of some of the things I've placed inside my three bundles
this is mainly to remind myself how things started off
at the start of the project, so that I can record change

but they also make quite good still life arrangements

I used white cotton for the bundles (an old sheet)
and these are some of the things that made it inside:

ephemera from St. Ives such as local newspaper clippings including gallery reviews from the week Julie and I went to The Millenium Gallery, art brochures, pictures of artwork, seaside inspired images from magazines, coloured tissue papers, my own painted papers/vellums, paper lace doillies, textured papers and sand paper

beach finds (all unwashed and as nature intended) such as soggy seaweed, wet and sandy limpet and mussel shells, St. Ives pottery pieces (including a piece that I found with "St. Ives" on it) tangles of fishing net and wire, scraps of fabric and coloured plastic

I also included things that might fetch colour or create colour runs such as rusted objects or things that I think will rust when wet, tissue papers that bleed when wet, little drawings made with water soluable pencils and fabrics (cotton, silk, scrim) which I dyed in seaside colours of blue, turquoise, aqua, seaweed green, ochre and sand ... which I placed inside the bundle while still wet with dye

other fabrics included lace and cotton and
crocheted lace doillies given to me by Julie

so there follows a gallery of photos
without too much more chat from me ;o)

there are many paths to take
the choice is up to you

this is a moment in time
this day will never happen again
document it's passing ...

the blue ribbon parcel bow was found on a wet pavement
a left over reminder of new year festivities

new year is HUGE is St. Ives

this is the boat piece that Julie found
I thought, later, that it would make a good book board

paint with beach sand mixed in

all these things were layered up in the white cotton
tied with hand dyed ribbon
and placed in my garden around
the first or second week in January 2012

the bundles will be opened on or around 1st May 2012
which is not all that long to wait now
only 23 sleeps

I will continue my catch up posts
mixed in with current things
till I am back on track

thank you for visiting me
have a lovely weekend x


Barb Cady said...

How exciting Carolyn, I love the items you have chosen. I look forward to the grand opening and to see what you will do! Hugs barb x

Sharon W. said...

I am so jealous, Carolyn! One of your previous erosion bundles inspired me to try one here in Rhode Island. Well, it was a dismal mucky gray failure! I'd like to think you have such success because of your wonderful sea atmosphere, but I suspect it is due to your brilliant artist's vision of what to put in the bundle. Can't wait to see this year's results, and what you do with the treasures.

Elizabeth said...

It has been so long since I have been by for a visit!! I , too , am very far behind!! Happy Easter Morning to you!
I think your pre-bundle shots are glorious artistic still life's!! each could and should be framed as a collage!!! Now to wait and see the results of the erosion's will be fascinating! Save these pictures though- they are glorious!!

Corrine said...

Lovely bundles, I am sure these will prove interesting with the bits of bracken and rust. They will make gorgeous creations in your future I am sure. xox

Jill said...

What deliciousness - your bundles look beautiful, looking forward to seeing them opened.

K J D said...

Amazing what happens when you put things together!!!

Julie said...

Even your photographs of your arrangements for erosion look beautiful :-) I love that you have included some newspaper clippings from the time we had together. I think I am going to open the bundles that have had the most soakings on 1 May as we have had it very dry, or I may see what there is and make fresh bundles with anything that hasn't changed much. We shall see! Not that long now as you say :-)

Julie said...

Even your photographs of your arrangements for erosion look beautiful :-) I love that you have included some newspaper clippings from the time we had together. I think I am going to open the bundles that have had the most soakings on 1 May as we have had it very dry, or I may see what there is and make fresh bundles with anything that hasn't changed much. We shall see! Not that long now as you say :-)

Lynn Holland said...

Great shots, great bundles with lots of interesting bits and pieces.
It will be exciting seeing the end results. X

creativelenna said...

what an inspiring post, carolyn. I have always wanted to try this . . . . looking forward to your unveiling!

Lynn Cohen said...

Love the idea of 23 sleeps...what we tell our pet how long we will be away! Love it and all the lace, color, sand, etc that make up your lovely art pieces!

stephanie said...

lovely items, look forward to the big reveal! i have mentioned you here: http://notjustamummy.wordpress.com/2012/04/09/erosion-experiment/

Caroline said...

Echoing others' thoughts about the 'pre' bundles being interesting on their own! Look forward to the reveal in May!

:: Cindy Chick Designs :: said...

I do love reading your blog :: I find it so inspirational!

Rosie said...

Looks intriguing! Glad to spot an Alfred Wallis postcard: there's an exhibition of his paintings on at kettle's yard in Cambridge at the moment.

ShabbyChicShaz said...

Your photos are so inspirational, really looking forward to the results and wondering if I should play along, mmmmm....

Sarah Payne said...

It all looks amazing - can't wait to see what you come out with!

Caterina Giglio said...

cannot wait for the reveal, the before shots are all so gorgeous ... what fun to have something mysterious to look forward to! xo

Cathy Cullis said...

I want to see... I want to see.... saying that, I relish the waiting also as it always good to have something special to look forward to x

Patricia said...

I'm inspired to make my own now from this post... and I'm going to go looking around here to see what the outcome was (because I just KNOW you posted it) :) xx

Unknown said...

Wow! This is just very creative. A free and better way to start your scrapbooking. A totally good idea for an anniversary gift. Haha